Month: July 2020

BSI Group Certifica a Minera Saucito en Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional

Hasta el momento, Minera Saucito es la primera filial de Fresnillo PLC en obtener la certificación internacional ISO 45001: “Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad y salud ocupacional en el trabajo“, por parte de la compañía internacional BSI Group, debido a la implementación de acciones para disminuir riesgo de lesiones y enfermedades recurrentes en el sector.

Confirma PROFEPA que No Existió Incidente Ambiental en Unidad Minera San José

“Siempre tuvimos claridad que no teníamos relación con la posible afectación de las pozas, pues nuestros altos estándares ambientales cumplen con la regulación nacional e internacional y jamás pasaríamos por desapercibido un incidente ambiental,” precisó Luiz Camargo, Director País de Compañía Minera Cuzcatlán.

Centerra Gold Records Net Earnings of $80.7 million or $0.27 per Common Share, Adjusted Net Earnings (Non-GAAP) of $97.8 million or $0.33 per Common Share and Cash from Operations of $268.1 million; Increases Quarterly Dividend by 25%

Scott Perry, President and Chief Executive Officer of Centerra stated, “We continue to stay vigilant at all of our operations to prevent an outbreak and avoid the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our employees, contractors and communities. At our Öksüt operation, we have celebrated a recent safety milestone, when on July 19, 2020, Öksüt achieved 3 million work hours without a lost time injury. Our continued commitment to Work Safe Home Safe is a driving force behind achieving such milestones.”

Golden Goliath Increases Private Placement

The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Offering to conduct a drilling program on the Company’s Kwai property in the Red Lake mining district and for general working capital.

Globexplore is a customer focused, technology driven mineral exploration drilling contractor devoted to top of class drilling methods and techniques that only years of experience can achieve. Every day we strive to be the industry leader by providing the highest rate of performance, professionalism, safety and environmental responsibility.

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Maza Drilling is a Mexican company established in 2007 in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Our Canadian founder, Mr. Guy de Launiere, has over 20 years of international experience managing diverse drilling operations. Maza Drilling strives to compete at the highest levels in terms of recovery, effectiveness, efficiency, and affordability at every project while keeping at the forefront of technology to meet our customer’s needs in this demanding market.